Empowering Parents & Carers

Meet The WarrPAC Team

At Warrington Parents & Carers Forum, meeting our team members is like connecting with a supportive family. Our dedicated and experienced parent with lived experience of a range of disabilities and additional needs.

Get to know the heart and soul behind WarrPAC - a team of dedicated parents and carers who understand the journey because they've walked it too.

A group of people and a dog are posing for a picture.

Each member is passionate about supporting children and young people with special education requirements.

It's inspiring to see the teamwork, enthusiasm, and commitment of our team as we work together to provide information, training, news, and events for parents and carers.


I’m Jean Fitzpatrick and I’m Chair of Warrington Parents and Carers. I have 45 + years experience of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) both personally and professionally. 

My lived SEND experience

I have an excellent oversight of all things SEND, including the SEND Code of Practice/ parental rights. Education, how to connect with schools, team management skills and the experience to deliver the voice of our parents and carers at the highest level on an equal footing.

I major in Neuro Diversity including Autism (ASC),  Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Pathalogical Demand Avoidance (PDA), Tourette’s, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Global Development Delay and Sensory Processing, as well as ASC and Mental Health.  

My Bio

I have two adult Son’s both whom have ADHD, the youngest having a side order of Learning Difficulties. 

I am also Grandmother/Guardian to my 17 year old Grandson who has  ASD, PDA, ADHD, AD and Sleep issues, all with Honours!! My Grandson Marcus is a whirlwind, doesn’t sleep well and suffers with anxiety. Marcus is bright, articulate, funny  and attends a specialist education setting. Marcus has worked with the ADHD foundation to help other children with Autism navigate the world better.

I am super passionate about all things SEND, I  continue to keep up to date with legislation, sitting on National Boards like NICE and the ADHD Foundation, as well as running an independent ADHD/ASD group for Warrington Families. 

A little about me

One of things you have to do when you find yourself in a challenging situation is in a sense of humour and taking just a little time out for yourself.  I was a professional musician in a previous life where I had the opportunity to travel the world. So music is a huge part of the fun in my life and I still play with a big band two evenings a week. 

I love spending time with Marcus making memories. He certainly keeps me on my toes, young at heart and enthusiastic about life as you never know what each day will bring….not many Gran ‘s can boast about going on weekend gaming conventions? We both have a thirst for knowledge so love to visit museums and science projects.

Why did I join WarrPac

 I found WarrPAC  around 10 years ago after  retiring as Head of Inclusion within a Local Authority.  With  25 years  teaching children with SEND behind me it was inevitable I couldnt just walk away from this world.   Despite my experience I was overwhelmed starting on the parenting pathway again after Marcus came to live with me. It was eye opening when I connected with WarrPAC,  I realised very quickly what they did, how they helped so many families but above all, how important it was to have this service available for families trying to navigate this other world called SEND. 

It didn’t take long for me to become as passionate as the rest of the team and I was delighted to be able to pass on my knowledge and experience and be there for other parents as they stepped on to such a challenging path.

Vice Chair
Vice Chair

I'm Gail, Vice Chair of Warrington Parents and Carers. I'm mum to my daughter Alex, who's currently living her best life teaching English in Vietnam, and Matthew, my special wee man who's so much more than the string of letters after his name - LGS, ASD, SLD!  He may have a hideous form of epilepsy, autism and severe learning difficulties,  but he also has the biggest smile you could ever hope to see, and brings joy wherever he goes. 

My Lived  SEND Experience

  • Preparing for adulthood and beyond
  • Education, Health and Care Plans - we no longer have one but I've loads of background in tinkering with them
  • Epilepsy
  • Mental Health
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Court of Protection - applying for deputyship and deprivation of liberties


I worked in IT for 20 years before SEND came calling and now that Matthew is in supported living I've returned to the workforce in customer services for the Council.

A Little About Me

I ’m a techy geek and love messing about on computers, especially creating silly pictures and videos. 

I love to karaoke — can’t sing, but can belt out a cracking performance. 

I’ve got a pretty quirky sense of humour, which combined with my lack of filter at times has got me into trouble.

My Christian faith is important to me - and gets me into less trouble

Why did I join WarrPac

I have been involved in parent participation since 2008, and was one of the founders of WarrPAC.

In the early day of dealing with my son's condition, I felt very alone and bewildered by all that was going on. I did not know where to turn to for help, nor even what help actually existed. My hope is that by working with our professional partners that our families can access the help that they need, when they need it; that we can support each other to help our precious youngsters; that our experience can help to feed in to improve services for our families in the future and that working together we can get the best deal possible for our children and those who look after them. 

I was pretty gobsmacked in 2016 receive a British Empire Medal for services to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities

Developement Officer
Developement Officer

Hello, I'm Sharon, the Development Officer for Warrington Parents and Carers. I am wife to Mark and we have two gorgeous girls Maisie and Poppy. 

Maisie (our eldest) is a happy, energetic lovely girl, who has Autism, Attention Hyper Deficit Disorder, Learning Disabilities and Sleep issues and attends an independant special school that supports her needs daily. She is super inquisitve and loves music (all genres), theatre and learning facts about subjects that intrest her.

Poppy is very caring, loving and bright with a great sense of humour. She is way beyond her years and a fabulous sister to Maisie. She attends a mainstream school and is very academic. Poppy loves to play out with her friends and enjoys family time. She loves our family dog Dotty and treats her like a baby. 

My lived SEND experience

Having a child with Autism, Attention Deficit Hyper Disorder, Learning Disability and major sleep issues. Working in a parent carer forum and learning about SEND policies and national systems for over 8 years. Sensory integration and processing issues. Lots of SEND sleep courses, research and training. being in my role has allowed me to work across all areas of SEND locally including, Education, EHCP process, Early years, Preperation for adulthood, Early Help, Health and many more. 

A little about me

My family is my world and I love listening to music. We ejnoy going to gigs and festivals whenever we can - something we did for years beofre the girls came along. I have seen over 30 bands across all geners of music. I also love to watch theatre shows and have travelled far and wide to see some of my favourites.

I enjoy exercise and classes such as Yoga and Body conditioning. We love to go on a few caravan holiday a year as a family. We like to eat out as a family and enjoy visits to the cinema with our girls. I support the care for my Mum who has Alzhiemers and dementia and enjoy spending time with her.

Why did I join WarrPac

I found WarrPAC in May of 2016 at a coffee/chat event where I learnt about the world – or as I called it ‘the secret garden world of Special Needs”– that I had NO idea about or how to navigate the system – I felt SO lost. Jean took me under her wing and with quite a few brews and lots of tissues I finally shared how I felt. This became the beginning of my voluntary journey for the next 6 months, which led to me becoming the Development Officer for this truly wonderful voluntary orgaisation.  I love what I do and feel very passionate about supporting /sharing knowledge to help other parent carers whilst they are on their own journey with their Special children. 

I work hard and will give my heart and soul to drive the services across Education, Health and Social Care to be the best they can be for children and young people in Warrington. I manage and co ordinate all communication for Team WarrPAC to ensure that our voluntary team is kept informed and able to deliver the support and expectations for parent carers and families who have children and young people with SEND

Parent Rep / Treasurer
Parent Rep / Treasurer

I'm Beccy, the Treasuer for Warrington Parents and Carers and I have been involved since I returned to the UK to have my eldest child assessed and educated in Special education, way back in 2010. 

My lived SEND experience

My SEND experience continues to evolve as my children have grown and they have entered new SEND arenas. From classical ASD and Learning Difficulties, I am now reaching into the world of adulthood combined with the onset of epilepsy and how this affects their world that I fought so hard to establish. Then there is the world of girls with ASD/ADHD and if you are reading this then I can only say this is a completely different ball game from boys, particularly as they hit puberty. I have been more involved with health than previously.  Mental health, physical health, restricted eating, school avoidance, severe anxiety and behaviours and just some of the offshoots that I have come face to face with over the past three years. I would also like to add that living through the pandemic of 2020/21 has also resulted in SEND experiences no one could have anticipated.

My Bio

My background is travel and I spent 20 years working overseas in tour operations.      I  have two neurodiverse children; Adam who is now 21 has ASD/LD and in the last two years has also developed epilepsy. I also have a daughter who is 15 and what I would describe as my complex bundle. Typically, like most girls Ayah masked until puberty and then the neurodiverse lights exploded! She has ASD with demand-avoidant traits, ADHD (inattentive type) and misaphonia. I'm running two consecutive SEN journeys on completely different tracks.        

A little about me

Anyone who knows me with vouch that travel is my passion and I have withdrawal symptoms if discovering new places and journeys becomes limited. This has been the case, particularly recently where I have had to adapt my thoughts on travel to support my children. That does not stop me trying to jump on a train or a bus or drive to somewhere new! Prior to this, I was not adverse to travelling by trains, planes or automobiles accompanied by two neurodiverse children knowing that they would benefit later on in life from travel experience. My moto has been 'never underestimate ' and I continue to hpld onto this when the going gets tough!

Why did I join WarrPac

Back in 2010 I returned to the UK and was looking for help and support in the world of SEN. I had no idea about Autism or children with disabilities and as I was at that point on maternity leave from Thomas Cook I wanted to learn to support my oldest child, discover what was out there and as I was from a managerial background, I also wanted to keep my brain active. Little did i realise what a complex and diverse world I was delving into. !4 years on the system is still a maze to navigate and this is speaking from plenty of experience after 2021 when my daughter was diagnosed and I would once again become that parent that needed signposting and direction.

Parent Rep / Secretary
Parent Rep / Secretary

I’m Laura, Mum to four wonderful children, two are all grown up and have flown the nest to university and two are younger and are still at home with me. 

My lived SEND experience

  • Early Years
  • Vision Impairment
  • ADHD & Autism
  • Kabuki Syndrome

My Bio

My daughter Pippa is 15 and she is the most beautiful, happy young lady and has a rare genetic disorder called Kabuki Syndrome. This causes multiple and complex health issues as well as learning and physical disabilities such as sight impairment. Pippa also has ADHD. Pippa now attends a specialist provision. 

My youngest son Alfie is 6 and a caring little soul full of mischief. Alfie has sensory processing difficulties and social, emotional and communication difficulties and is currently being assessed at the CDC after showing signs of early developmental delay.

A little about me

In my ‘spare’ time, I like to draw and paint to calm my mind and switch of for a while.

I’m a bit of a knowledge nerd: I love to learn about pretty much anything and you will more than likely find me with my head in a book or reading about something unusual on google.

I love the seaside and like to run off to camp out nearby as often as possible with the kids who also consider the beach their happy place for some great quality family time

Why did I join WarrPac

When Pippa was very young, I had no idea how to find the help we needed; or fully understand what help we needed. I was introduced to WarrPAC, who helped me to find my feet and learn how to support and advocate for my daughter. The support continuted When my youngest son Alfie started to show some development delay and  I found it much easier to navigate my way through the referral process and access the support he needed.

I have been a representative for WarrPAC for just over six years now and it’s been amazing to see the increasing

involvement of parents in service planning and provision.

Parent Representative
Parent Representative

Hi, I'm Andrea. I'm married to Matt and we have a gorgeous daughter, Izzy, who is now an adult

My lived SEND experience

  • Preperation for Adulthood 
  • Cerabral Palsy
  • Epilespsy
  • Visual Impairment
  • Physio & Occupational Therapy Equiptment

My Bio

Hi, I'm Andrea. I'm married to Matt and we have a gorgeous daughter, Izzy, who is now an adult.

Izzy has Complex Special Needs. In 2010 Izzy was diagnosed with an extremely rare genetic abnormality which was first discovered in her. Izzy’s main disabilities are Cerebral palsy, Epilepsy, Severe Visual Impairment and Global Developmental Delay. She now goes to Willow Green on the Adult Social Care pathway. Before this she went to Green Lane Special School and Woolston 6th Form, where I have the privilege of being a Governor, currently Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Governor.

I currently represent parent carers on the Carers Partnership Board, the Post 19 Board, and associated task groups.  I am also the Safeguarding lead for WarrPAC. 

A little about me

My family is my world. We love going for days out and walks, which often include a coffee and cake stop.

Izzy has an Assistance dog called Nikita who keeps me out of mischief (or gets me into it) taking her for daily walks and keeping up with her training during everyday life situations. 

I love Yoga which I find gives me some much needed ‘me’ time and helps me to cope with the physically demanding task of looking after Izzy. 

Why did I join WarPac

The Warrpac team are a really friendly bunch and very welcoming. I have been with Warrington Parents and Carers since the beginning and it has been great to see so many changes in that time. It's only by sharing information that we can help each other to know what's out there and aim to help make Warrington a great place for our families to thrive.

Parent Representative
Parent Representative

I'm Lakshmi, married to Saye and mum of 11 year old Pradyun who is the most gorgeous looking happy child and my whole world. 

My lived SEND experience

  • Epilepsy
  • Genetic Mutation (CNTNAP2)
  • Epilepsy 
  • Learning Disability 
  • Sensory difficulties
  • Non Verbal Communication

My Bio

I'm Lakshmi, married to Saye and mum of 11 year old Pradyun who is the most gorgeous looking happy child and my whole world. 

Pradyun has a rare genetic mutation (CNTNAP2) that has caused his epilepsy and Severe Learning Disability. Pradyun attends a specialist education setting and enjoys going to school.

A little about me

I am a very happy person. I love singing and spend most of the day singing for my little man. I am very chatty and love a good conversation.

I am from India and love cooking as you can imagine.

Why did I join WarrPac

I came to know about WarrPAC when he was 3yrs old when we started having Pradyun’s diagnosis. We were new to Warrington and I didn’t have any family or friends to help me with the journey. I come from India hence don’t have any family or friends support in this county let alone support with SEND.  I needed someone who would understand and guide me in this journey. I started by going to coffee morning and learning about WarrPAC and what they do and slowly got the confidence to become a Volunteer. WarrPAC has given me the confidence being a special needs parent.

Joining WarrPAC has given me so many friends and social life which was difficult before. I used to feel lonely but now I just ring the girls in WarrPAC and straight away I feel much better. If you ever think you are lonely in your journey just come to our Coffee mornings

Parent Representative
Parent Representative

I am Laura, Mum of Joe who has multiple special needs & medical diagnosis.

My Lived  Send Experience

  • DiGeorge Syndrome
  • Sensory Processing
  • OCD
  • Anxiety
  • Global Development Delay/Learning disability
  • EHCP Process

My Bio

Joe is 13 years old, who has a medical diagnosis of DiGeorge Syndrome, along with neurodevelopment diagnosis and mental health. Joe moved to a specialist education setting from mainstream in Year 3. Joe is a super talented musician and loves all things factual. 

A little about me

In my spare time we like to get away in our caravan and spend quality time with my family in Wales.

I am a keen aviationist and me and my son love going to watch the planes at Manchester airport together.

Why did I join WarrPac

As a parent trying to navigate the SEND system, i felt lost, frustrated and deflated until I came across WarrPac. It is now my time to give back to others what WarrPac gave to me ........ To be a listening ear, to help support and guide other parents and carers. I am extremely passionate, wanting a better future for our children and young people who are already facing difficult challenges everyday. 

Parent Representative
Parent Representative

Im Lorraine, married to Geoff and mum to 3 boys age 17,19 and 23.

My lived SEND experience

  • Preparing for Adulthood
  • Mental Health 
  • Epilepsy
  • DLA to PIP transition 
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • EHCP parental application 
  • CPA

My Bio

My youngest son has a passion for retro games, vinyl records, music centres and broken stereos, record players and games consoles that he loves taking apart and fixing them up again. 

My middle son has a diagnosis of ASD, ADHD, Epilepsy, stammer, tics and sensory processing. He loves playing his guitar and drums everyday, he is a brilliant guitarist and is undertaking his rock school exams.

I volunteer for Warrington Austism Neuro Diverse support who are a peer support for adults with neurodevelopmental conditions who meet weekly. I also Chair a Epilepsy support group and I am a member of the Independent Advisory Group for police representing hidden/physical disabilities. 

A little about me

I have a passion for food and enjoy baking and cooking with my family. I also love going on short walks with my hubby and our crazy Border Collie Bella to feed the ducks, she is certainly a character. I am a kind and compassionate person who love helping others it gives me a great sense of purpose.

Parent Representative
Parent Representative

I’m Natalie, 40, married to Jon, mum to two amazing neurodiverse children, step mum to a beautiful neurotypical daughter and dog mum to two gorgeous cockapoos. 

My lived SEND experience

  • Living with a PDA child
  • Child to Parent Abuse
  • Working with the school SENCO
  • Reasonable adjustment within education
  • Parent request for an EHCP
  • Transition to a specialist provision

My Bio

My oldest child Max is 13, has ADHD currently under assessment for ASD and attends mainstream high school. Max is exceptionally bright, sporty and superbly masks his needs in school. 

My youngest daughter Phoebe is 9 (going on 19) and best described as sassy, she is bright, funny and fiercly independant... She is sunshine mixed with a little hurricane! Phoebe has a diagnosis of ASD with a demand avoidance profile, ADHD alongside anxiety and sensory difficulties. At the end of Year 4 she moved from a mainstream primary school to a independent SEHM (social, emotional and mental health) school. She is accademically able but has accute difficulties with SEMH.

A little about me

My passion is my kids, I love nothing more than being their personal chauffer and watching them take part in their hobbies; Football and Horse riding. 

On the rare occasion when I get some free time, I love going to watch gigs, a few recent ones include Foo Fighters, Taylor Swift, Jamie webster... if its live music i'm there! I also love a good festival as long as i don't have to camp! Its just not for me!

Why did I join WarrPac

It can be a lonely/scary place when you are first navigating the world of SEND for your children. The overwhelming feeling of being a mum and not really knowing where to turn, how to help your child, how to be thier voice whilst constantly viewing everyone around you on social media enjoying life whilst you are just focussing on getting through the day. Then I arrive at a WarrPac session to friendly faces, a cup of tea and a whole host of other people who just get it and are in the same vote and left with information to go and help my child was a huge relief. Now its my time to repay that kindness and share what I learned with other parents in the same vote and do for other families what WarrPac did for me - relieve vme of some of that weight i carried round on my shoulders for a long time.....  

Empowering Parents & Carers

We are Excited to Meet You!

Hello Warrington parents and carers! The Warrington Parents & Carers Forum is excited to connect with our amazing community. As a group of passionate and knowledgeable parents of children with disabilities and additional needs, we're here to provide valuable information, training, news, and events. Let's come together to support and empower each other on this journey of raising and caring for children with special education requirements. Stay tuned for updates and get ready to join us!

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