Empowering Parents & Carers
CALLING PARENT CARERS..............Two chances to win a £50 Love2Shop Voucher if you wish, when you complete this survey.
If you are a parent/carer of a child or young person between the age of 0 to 25 years old with Special Education Needs and or Disabilities (SEND) and receive education or support in Warrington, then this survey is for you!
We had a fantastic response from our SEND families last year, we knew we could rely on you to be open, honest and passionate about what is working well and what needs improvement in the SEND world, needless to say, you didn’t disappoint!
Your heartfelt responses enabled us to capture how it really is across Education, Health and Social Care on the ground for our families.
In response, the Local Authority and Health have produced a “you said, we did” which is set out below. It gives a very positive account from professionals around work completed to address concerns highlighted by you in the last survey, but we need to know if it’s actually making a difference. It is essential we gather your views year on year to ensure we are feeding back your voice to exact the changes needed to continue to improve services.
Whilst we are able, on a daily, weekly basis to bring your individual/group voice/feedback to the table, the annual survey gives us a much bigger overview of what’s working, what isn’t and how we hold the Local Authority and Health to account.
Remember more voices mean a bigger impact. So please take 10 or 15 mins out of your day to be heard and allow us to deliver those views, both positive and not so positive, back to the professionals who can make a difference.
All information provided will remain confidential and anonymised. It will only be used for the purpose of the survey. After analysis a report will be published that will inform our work going forward to improve the experience of children, young people and their families living with SEND in Warrington. There will also be opportunities for you to feedback.
How will we use this survey to make a difference?
When we received your survey responses last year we created a report of all the feedback you gave us. This was published in July and we have been using your responses in our strategic meetings with our partners.
In response to this, our partners have developed the following report, summarising the actions that have taken place as a result of your feedback this year.
Time is precious
We know your time is precious so as a thank you anyone completing the survey can choose to be entered into a draw for a £50 Love2shop gift card - the first draw will take place on January 17th , the second when the survey ends on February 7th 2025. If you answer early, you get two chances!
For more information click to go to our membership form.
Sandy Lane, Warrington Warrington WA2 9HY United Kingdom
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