Get Involved

Membership is free to all parents and carers of children and young people with a special educational need or disability in Warrington.

To become a member of WarrPAC please complete the Membership Form which can be found below:

Membership Form

…please note, you will need to check the box at the end of the application form to also be added to our mailing list so that we can keep you updated with news and events.

Members can choose how involved they wish to be, no one is expected to be a parent representative if they prefer not to be: but we do want and need your opinions and your support, our effectiveness increases with your input.

It’s really important that we can represent the views and needs of as many parents and carers as possible, and to do that we need lots of parents and carers to join us.

We want you to feel safe sharing your views with us. We never disclose personal or identifying information without your permission.

Come along to one of our EVENTS and have a chat with us.  Your views and experiences are invaluable to us.

If you require help to come along, CONTACT US and we can see what we can arrange. It is a great opportunity to meet new people, gather information and find out what is going on in Warrington.  You will soon realise you are not alone!

If you want to contribute more you can become involved with one of the many areas we are active in such as supporting each other, sharing information and collecting feedback, consultation and involvement in the shaping of services in Warrington.

Find something that interests you and help us make a difference.

If you want to be part of making Warrington a better place for your children and young adults with disabilities or special needs, please come along and see what we get up to.

Warrington Parent & Carers Forum can help make your voice matter!

Go to our NEWS PAGE for the latest info on our projects or check out our FACEBOOK PAGE.

For professional and charity partners, you can join us using the form below.  This will add you to our mailing list so that we can keep you updated of news and events.

Thanks for joining us

    Upcoming Events

    Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist
    Check in and Chat with Helen Beard – Children’s Community Nursing Team
    Check in and Chat with Rebecca Emery – Clinical Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist

    13th September 2024

    Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist

    The team will be joined this week by Claudette Winstanley who is a Speech and Language Therapist at Bridgewater healthcare. Claudette will be available to answer any questions you have about speech and language therapy…

    Read more