Mental Wellness



Mental Health Resources for Children, Young People, Parents and Carers

World Mental Health Day occurs every year on October 10th.  The theme that has been set for this year is “Mental Health for All.”

The events of this year have affected our mental health in so many different ways. Whether its the significant impact a change of routine can have on our youngsters; the anxiety of trying to function in a world with ever changing rules or the general feeling of unease felt across the board as our lives adjust to whatever the “new normal” may turn out to be… Whatever the cause, our mental wellness is something that we all need to be aware of and improve.

For this reason, we’ve brought together a set of useful links and resources.  We’re copying the information on to our WEBSITE HERE so that we can keep links updated and add new information to it.  If you have found any thing useful that you’d like to share with us then PLEASE EMAIL US HERE.

Hope you find this helpful – Team WarrPAC 💚

SEND Friends – How you doin?

If it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month or even your year, we’ll be there for you!!

Our next SEND Friends session will be held on Friday, 16 October 2020 from 11 – midday. All are welcome to join us to chat about anything SEND related, including the impact on ours / our family’s mental health

Your mother warned you there’d be days like these, but she didn’t tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees that we’ll be there for you!!

Issues around our children’s education, health and social care are particularly challenging at the moment.  Let us know if you’re struggling in any way, because we can signpost for support or raise issues with our professional partners.  Drop up a message on our FACEBOOK PAGE HERE or send an EMAIL HERE 💚

Happy, OK, Sad

Happy? OK? Sad? is Warrington’s mental health awareness website.

The site includes information about how to look after your mental wellbeing, as well as a directory of mental health support services. There’s also details of services you can contact if you can’t cope and need help right now. Local services are clearly marked and there’s a short description explaining what each service offers. The website is divided into age specific pages, so you can quickly find the information and services most relevant to you. There’s also a page for frontline workers with links to free resources and online tools.

The aims of the Happy? OK? Sad? website are to make you aware of:

  • simple things you can do to look after your mental health
  • symptoms of common mental health problems
  • services that can offer information, advice, support or treatment
  • what to do if someone can’t cope and needs help right now

Whether you’re feeling great and want to stay that way, you’re a bit fed up; or you’re struggling to manage your feelings, this site has links to information and tips ranging from how to boost your mood, to where to get help if you’re unable to cope. CHECK IT OUT BY CLICKING HERE

Warrington mental health and wellbeing support for children and young people

To find out what changes have been made to the wider young people’s mental health support offer in Warrington, CLICK HERE TO VIEW A HELPFUL GUIDE.

If you or someone you know needs urgent help, you can contact THE 24/7 mental health crisis line on

01925 275 309

Warrington Parents and Carers have our own Facebook group dedicated to our dads.Our Dads Matter! A group set up specifically for Dads and Carers of children with disabilities and additional needs in Warrington. The group offers an opportunity for Dads to talk to like minded mates and share the challenges they face.


Live Well Through COVIDYou are invited to join a free, online course for anyone who is concerned about their mental fitness as we continue to live with COVID 19.  The project is funded by the Coronavirus Community Support Fund from The National Lottery and run by Treasure Your Wellbeing CIC.

Most of us are more anxious than usual because of the uncertainty about how long the pandemic will last and what is going to happen next.  These courses will provide weekly group support and a training session in mindfulness.  Mindfulness is a technique that has been shown to be effective in enabling people to feel more relaxed and in control of their lives.  Each week one of our trainers will talk you through the technique and show you how you can use it in your own life.

5 courses are available. Just choose the time and day that suits you best on a weekly basis.  Each session will last for 45 – 60 minutes and will be held using Zoom.  If you are unsure about using Zoom don’t worry, as long as you have a computer, tablet or laptop we can talk you through how to log on.  Courses are held on:

Monday 10am
Monday 8pm
Wednesday 7pm
Thursday 2pm
Saturday 10am

Courses will begin in the week beginning 12 October 2020.

If you decide to sign up for one of the courses it will be up to you how long you stay with us.  The courses will last for 6 months but you don’t have to commit for that long!  You can stay as little as 2 weeks – if you decide it’s not for you that’s fine, just let us know so that we can offer the place to someone on the waiting list.  Places on the courses are limited to 12 so if we are full people will be put on a waiting list and allocated a place when one becomes free.  Of course if you do want to be with us for the whole 6 months that’s fine.

To apply for a place on one of the courses please e mail Joyce on  We will send you a questionnaire about how you’re feeling at the moment.  Once we have that we will let you know if you have a place straight away or if we are putting you on a waiting list to join later in the year.  All answers will be treated in strict confidence.  We will also be asking you to take part in some evaluation when you leave the course.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Treasure Your Wellbeing Community Interest Company

Barnado’s have a lot of resources on their website that our families could find helpful including a PAGE DEDICATED TO SEND.
Their “See, Hear, Respond” service is run by are a partnership of organisations who have come together to support children, young people and families who are affected by coronavirus and the lockdown. There are many ways they can help: by listening to you over the phone, meeting you in person or sharing in their online hub the support and information you might need.What kind of help can they give?They will listen carefully and work out the best way to support you.

This might be help with:

  • Going back to school
  • Emotional and wellbeing advice and counselling
  • If you’re a young carer and need support where you live
  • Feelings of anxiety and depression, isolation and loneliness
  • Family stress and finding coping strategies
  • Parental mental health,
  • Concerns about your child’s online life and more
Websites providing national Support for Children and Young people providing national help for Parents/Carers

We hope that you find this information useful

We’ve tried our best to find as much useful information to share with our families, if you know of any other groups that might be helpful, then PLEASE EMAIL US BY CLICKING HERE


Upcoming Events

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist
Check in and Chat with Helen Beard – Children’s Community Nursing Team
Check in and Chat with Rebecca Emery – Clinical Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist

13th September 2024

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist

The team will be joined this week by Claudette Winstanley who is a Speech and Language Therapist at Bridgewater healthcare. Claudette will be available to answer any questions you have about speech and language therapy…

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