September 23, 2018 2:53 pm

World Mental Health Day October 10th


Mental Health Resources for Children, Young People, Parents and Carers

In the build up to World Mental Health Day, we thought it could be useful to draw together a set of resources / links that our families could access.

This is an issue that not only affects our children and young people, but also ourselves as carers due to the additional stresses of our caring responsibilities.

This email works better if you display the images – we’ve tried to put web links against all of these to take you to their web page.

Here is the link to the “World Mental Health Day” website to start us off:

Hope you find this helpful – Team WarrPAC 💚

We hope that you find this information useful

We’ve tried our best to find as much useful information to share with our families – if you’d like to chat about these, or any other issues affecting our families, then come along and join us at our coffee morning.

Do you find your child/young persons behaviour very challenging? Is this difficult to talk about? We know this is more common than people think. We want to find out about supporting parents in these situations at our next coffee morning on 12th October 11-1am at Sandy Lane Children’s Centre 💚

Myndful Mental Fitness Festival at the Gateway

From Mark at Myndful: “In order to celebrate World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2018, Myndful are teaming up with our partners across the mental health third sector in Warrington. We will be holding a marketplace event at The Gateway, Sankey Street, Warrington, between 11 am – 4 pm.Please come along and find out about Myndful, how we, and our partners, help improve the mental fitness of the people of Warrington.Come join us and have a voice on how Myndful can assist in shaping the mental health landscape across Warrington.”
“As part of the event, between 1pm – 3pm we will be showcasing myndful and our services. This will be centred around who we are and how we assist members of the public with our outreach services. We will demonstrate how we can improve the mental fitness of our clients through peer support and mindfulness. We will show how our recent trials have benefited those who have taken part and how they are now looking to pass on this help to their local communities by becoming myndful mentors. We will also share our ideas on up and coming projects to further improve third party services.”

Happy, OK, Sad

Happy? OK? Sad? is Warrington’s mental health awareness website.

The site includes information about how to look after your mental wellbeing, as well as a directory of mental health support services. There’s also details of services you can contact if you can’t cope and need help right now. Local services are clearly marked and there’s a short description explaining what each service offers. The website is divided into age specific pages, so you can quickly find the information and services most relevant to you. There’s also a page for frontline workers with links to free resources and online tools.

The aims of the Happy? OK? Sad? website are to make you aware of:

  • simple things you can do to look after your mental health
  • symptoms of common mental health problems
  • services that can offer information, advice, support or treatment
  • what to do if someone can’t cope and needs help right now

Whether you’re feeling great and want to stay that way, you’re a bit fed up; or you’re struggling to manage your feelings, this site has links to information and tips ranging from how to boost your mood, to where to get help if you’re unable to cope. Check it out on the link below.

Buddy Up is a befriending project which supports children and young people with disabilities; who are at risk of becoming socially isolated.  Each young person referred to Buddy Up, is supported by a volunteer ‘Buddy’ within a social setting, allowing the young person to interact with their peers, and gain greater social and independence skills.

Warrington Youth Club Buddy Up

The benefits of Buddy Up are:

  • To improve social skills
  • To promote independence
  • To support with friendship groups
  • To support greater self-esteem and confidence

For further information contact:

Nuvvy Sibia, Buddy Up Project Co-ordinator on 01925 582 851 or 07432 640 939 or by email

New Leaf  brings together partners from across Warrington and Cheshire to change lives, create opportunities and make a positive contribution to local communities and the regional economy.To become a New Leaf participant with WYC, you should meet the following criteria:

  • Be aged between 16 and 25 years old
  • Live within the Borough of Warrington
  • Have a disability, learning difficulty or additional needs

If you would like more information about the New Leaf programme, please contact:

Sam Barnett, New Leaf Co-ordinator on 01925 909 660 / 07718 565 466 or email

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services – Warrington

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services – also known as CAMHS – support children and young people up to age 18 with their emotional and mental health and wellbeing.When we talk about your mental health, we mean how you feel and how you cope with the things going on in your life. This could be connected to anything from school, your friends or even your family life. If you feel you aren’t coping too well with the ups and downs of life, it may be that you need some support to help you manage them better.If you do need help, CAMHS will work together with you and your family to decide what support you need to have good mental health and wellbeing. Their aim is to help young people get the support they need to tackle any problems early on before they get worse, and to act quickly if they do.

North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Warrington Council, local schools, school nurses, social services and other local organisations including Kooth and St Joseph’s Family Centre, all work closely together to provide CAMHS services across Warrington, to make sure you can access the right support, in the right place and at the right time.

How to access our service

If you have any concerns about your mental health and wellbeing, you can come along to our weekly Mind Works drop-in cafés so you can speak to a mental health professional about any concerns you have. No matter how big or small, our staff will talk to you and ask questions about your difficulties, then offer advice and signpost you to other local services that can help if needed.

It’s an informal drop-in session, so you don’t need to make an appointment – you can just turn up. The Mind Works drop-ins in Warrington are:

If you have any questions you can call CAMHS directly on 01925 575 904. Your parents or carers can also call us too if they’d like to speak to someone.


If you need support between 9am and 9pm, you can contact the Crisis Response Team, who are available seven days a week, on 01925 579 405. If there is a physical health need that needs immediate medical attention, you should visit your local A&E department.


We also accept referrals from other health professionals who may be working with you, such as your GP, health visitor, school nurse or social worker. If you are a health professional and would like to make a referral for one of your patients, visit the health professionals section of our website to download the referral form.

Kooth – Information about us

XenZone is a provider of online mental health services for children, young people and adults. Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use.

For more information about XenZone, please visit XENZONE.COM. If you’re a parent looking for more information about Kooth, please email PARENTS@XENZONE.COM

Wired work to support Young Carers in Warrington by:

  • Providing Young Carers with one:one emotional support. This can take place at a location of the Young Carers choice e.g. home, school or somewhere else
  • Advocacy – ensuring Young Carers voices are heard and that their views, wishes, issues and feelings are taken into consideration in matters or decisions that affect their lives
  • Support in meetings e.g. Family Support, Children in Need, Child Protection and school meetings
  • Liaising with schools so that teachers can better suppot their students
  • Consultation with Young Carers to shape the service
  • Alleviate and reduce inappropriate caring responsibilities by assisting the Young Carer and their family to access additional support
  • Weekly drop-ins at various venues accross Warrington. Providing respite from their caring role with an opportunity to meet other Young Carers, access peer support, make friends, try a new activity and have fun!
  • Emergency Contact Card providing peace of mind for, and identification of the Young Carer
  • Trips and activities


Wired Young Carers service advertise all news and events in a quarterly newsletter and events calendar.

Wired Young Carers service welcomes referrals from Young Carers, Parents and professionals. They always require consent from the Young Carer before a referral can be made. Parental consent must be obtained.​

The Young Carers Team can also provide advice and guidance for professionals, please contact the team for more information.​


Contact details

Phone: 01925 633 492    Email:

Wired Carers Centre

This service is for Carers who without payment help or support a relative, child, neighbour or friend who because of illness, disability, frailty or addiction is unable to manage alone. Wired offer a range of helpful services some of which include

  • Drop-in venues throughout the borough
  • Information on the help and support available to carers
  • The opportunity to talk confidentially with a carer support worker
  • Free Counselling
  • Therapy sessions
For more information contact
Phone: 01925 633 492    Email: For more information see website link below.


Using Mindfulness and Meditation, I can help you to connect to your unconscious mind, and liberate the healing power of your mind and body.


Learn how to bring your attention to the present moment and alter your reaction to everyday occurrences through the practice of mindfulness…

Find out more  


Methods to help a person to relax; to attain a state of increased calmness; or otherwise reduce levels of pain, anxiety, stress or anger…

Find out more  


Tapping into the unconscious mind and body to allow mental and physical repairs to take place, through a process of relaxation, using Connective Healing

Find out more  
Russell runs a new family mindfulness session every week in conjunction with Warrington Wolves Foundation, come and learn Mindfulness every Thursday at The Warrington Wolves stadium for just £3 per week.

All welcome, children under 16 free. This is a drop in session so you can just turn up at reception before 5.30pm when the session will begin. For more details follow the website link below.


Offload is a mental Fitness project for men aged 18 years and over to learn about how professional athletes perform at the highest level as well as coping with the everyday demands of life. The project is a collaboration between Rugby League Cares and State of Mind Sport. Offload gives men the opportunity to go behind the scenes of the great game of Rugby League and learn the mental fitness techniques used by professional players. Through this we aim to help men develop better coping strategies, have a better understanding of their own wellbeing needs and gain tools designed to help them cope better with life.The sessions are held on a Tuesday evening 6.30pm – 8pm at Hallowell Jones Stadium and a Friday evening 6.30pm – 8pm at Radley Common Community centre for more information contact 
01925 248894 or 07947890235
Or visit their website on the following link

Warrington Parents and Carers have our own Facebook group dedicated to our dads.Our Dads Matter! A group set up specifically for Dads and Carers of children with disabilities and additional needs in Warrington. The group offers an opportunity for Dads to talk to like minded mates and share the challenges they face.


Warrington Primary Care Psychological Service


Warrington Primary Care Psychological Service is a service to help you when support is needed.

We can work with you to help you examine how you are coping and develop your coping skills.

All staff have received special training to offer support through a stepped model of integrated care.


This includes:

–  EMDR Therapists

–  Cognitive Behavioural Therapists

–  High Intensity Therapists

–  Psychological Well being Practitioners
Our service is also a single point of access for other services and agencies in Warrington, including counselling services and computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. The team can offer support in a number of ways. Depending on your needs these may include:


– Guided self-help which focuses on empowering people to make   changes at a pace that suits you.

– Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a talking treatment   that looks at how thoughts affect emotions whilst helping you   to identify goals.

– Signposting to put you in contact with other services that can   offer you help and support.

– Counselling to help address difficult life events and problems   you may experience in relationships (provided by a partnership   service).
Self Refer  – Call Now to book an appointment

Single point of access for Warrington

Contact us

Our service offers a range of interventions to people who are 16 years and above, and who are experiencing difficulties.

Phone: 01925 401 720

Websites providing national Support for Children and Young people providing national help for Parents/Carers

We hope that you find this information useful

We’ve tried our best to find as much useful information to share with our families, if you know of any other groups that might be helpful, then PLEASE EMAIL US BY CLICKING HERE


To get involved with the group and learn more


Upcoming Events

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist
Check in and Chat with Helen Beard – Children’s Community Nursing Team
Check in and Chat with Rebecca Emery – Clinical Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist

13th September 2024

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist

The team will be joined this week by Claudette Winstanley who is a Speech and Language Therapist at Bridgewater healthcare. Claudette will be available to answer any questions you have about speech and language therapy…

Read more