WarrPAC Work Wednesday November 1st
In to another month – where did that go?! As it was half-term for most of us last week, there were unusually few meetings (or should that be “phew?”) but your team have been busy behind the scenes nevertheless!
Warrington Play and Sensory Centre celebrated five years of offering a fabulous service to our families. WarrPAC have been proud of our involvement in the centre, since the early days of “Aiming High For Disabled Children” when parents and Warrington Borough Council got together and came up with the idea of a soft play centre specifically for children and adults with special needs. Our lovely parent rep Andrea was particularly involved in the development and design of this centre, and we continue to have a great working relationship there. The celebration was enjoyed by visiting dignitaries and the families who have frequented the centre, and a good time was had by all!
Photo Competition – we launched our “Face of WarrPAC” competition to get in some photos and quotes from our families that we can use to promote WarrPAC. We have already received some great photos – CLICK HERE TO SEE THE MAILSHOT if you’d like to enter. Vouchers will be awarded to all photos and/or quotes that we use.
Christmas Fair – we are very excited for our plans for the Christmas Fair, so get Saturday 25th November into your diary. Anne has been working really hard to ensure that there will be lots of fab attractions at the event, and more details will be coming VERY soon.
Building Up The Family Engagement Team – This is the way that we want to reach out to even more families in Warrington – by building up a network of parents and carers to spread the word on our services and get feedback from our families that we can then use to help make a difference. We’ve met up with a few parents who are interested in joining the team, and we will be delighted to welcome them on board. CLICK HERE to email Sharon if you’d like to join us.
Survey from the Families Information Service relating to childcare issues during school holidays. At the moment this is just a fact finding process to try and pin down how we all see the current situation here in Warrington, and how big a problem there is. Please complete this survey to let the FIS know your experience of childcare, or lack of it:
Coffee Morning – our next coffee morning will be held this Friday 3rd November 11.30 – 1pm at the Sensory Centre – all are welcome to join us.
Benefits, Grants and Financial Support Session – there are still a few FREE places available for this event, which will be held on Tuesday 21st November from 10am – 12pm. See the flyer below for full details, including how to book.