October 31, 2018 11:50 pm

WarrPAC Work Wednesday 31st October

Half Term Update from Team WarrPAC

Welcome to our “WarrPAC Work Wednesday” of the autumn half term.  Once again, the team have been really busy, so we hope you enjoy a quick update of what we’ve been up to.


We’re going a bit “old school” with a printed newsletter to promote our work and get more families involved. They’ll be circulated to schools and other centres shortly, but you can see the online version BY CLICKING HERE

North West Regional Meeting

WarrPAC are part of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums and meet regularly with our local neighbours in the North West to share ideas and challenges.

This month Sharon and Laura attended the NW Regional meeting in Stockport. Topics covered were:

  • Discretionary grant application – forums each get a main grant for their work, but can then apply for extra funding for further participation activities.
  • Wow Moments – SENDIASS changing to IAS – new standard for IAS have been agreed which are the minimum expectations that families should expect from the service.
  • Discussion took place from the ‘talking points’ from the NNPCF with National topics & themes that came up from EHCP, SEN Support, Local Area Inspection, Transport & Preparing for Adulthood.
  • Sherran from Stockport gave an overview of their inspection & what they experienced. Long story very short – it’s imperative to be able to evidence the change we are making within the LA from our parental views & findings that we share.
  • We need more “You said, we did” from the Local Authority about the changes.
  • Update about the regional steering group & discussions of national consultations that we were all asked to look at & complete 💚
The Play and Leisure Forum met on 25th September with 10 attendees representing Leisure Provision for Children with SEND in Warrington.
Highlights of the meeting included an update from the Children and Families Practitioners working with Warrington Wolves Foundation.  An extremely successful holiday club was held over the Summer for children and young people with PMLD.   There were 9 families and 25 siblings involved and it has had great feedback. This is held every Monday at the Sensory centre during the holidays, families do not have to be known to the service but do need to be referred.
Children and Families Practitioners are also planning the introduction of a mum and tots’ group for PMLD children (age 0-3).
Families United reported on a great collaborative party with the sensory centre in the summer holidays. A Christmas Party has been booked along with a Santa Train outing at Llangollen steam railway.
Warrington Play and Sensory Centre are holding a social evening in January at Monks Social Club. This will involve a live band and will be catered by Willowbank 6th form pupils. All proceeds from this event will also go towards the sensory garden. There are plenty of Christmas activities planned which will be detailed on their website.
Sportworks have now started new Sunday session at Woolston which are already full but there is still a waiting list.
Playability was pleased to tell us that Foxwood and Green Lane proved to be great venues over the summer and good feedback has been received.

Coffee Mornings

We’ve had two very busy coffee mornings in the last couple of weeks.  The first focussed on the impact of challenging behaviour on ourselves as parents and carers.  Last week was half term so some of our kiddies came along. We chatted about EHCPs and shared firework coping tips!

Sharon and Andrea were invited along to a coffee morning at Culcheth High school – there were sixteen parents of children/young people – some without a diagnosis & some with, but all new to WarrPAC. They had a slot to introduce WarrPAC – who we are – what we do & share some of our information – there were some questions then they hung around to answer any questions privately & meet some of the parents on an individual basis. Good event 💚

There are lots of things going on in transition / preparing for adulthood.  Helen Taylor met with our families at some “Ask Away” sessions that we ran.  Since then she has taken on board our feedback and is developing some new pathways for each of the transition stages.In another area of work, Ange Adams has been looking in to independent living options for our young people.  Sharon went on Monday to view a newly purchased supported living property which will soon be home to three 21 year old young men. She found it a real glimpse at a future vision of what transition to adulthood in Warrington could look like and she left feeling very positive and inspired.
My New Home – A Housing and Support BookletHere’s a look at Ange’s draft guide to housing and support – click on the picture or CLICK HERE to read the guide.We would welcome any feedback you may have on this guide – please EMAIL SHARON YOUR COMMENTS BY CLICKING HERE

Meeting Families

As usual, we’ve been meeting up with our families on a 1:1 basis.  This week we ran a drop in session with Iain Macdonald offering information, advise and support on all areas of educational need.

On Thurs 18th October, Jean delivered 2 back to back workshops entitled “ASD And Mental Heath” at the “Aspects of Autism” Conference organized by the Educational Psychologists.  There were over 90 professional from Education, Health and Social care and it was held at the Park Royal hotel.
As she was asked to present as Chair of WarrPAC and member of the SEND Board she had the opportunity to promote the Forum and pass our information around the workshops.
Sharon recently met up with Simon Kenton to discuss “Warrington Together” and how WarrPAC as a 3rd sector organisation can be part of this. He asked her digest all the information & think of a parent carer who may want to share their journey at a meeting  etc. 💚

CDC Drop In

We’ve had another two drop ins at the Child Development Centre, which is a great chance to meet families whilst they attend appointments there.  Our next ones are planned for November 6th and 20th.  Pop in and see us if you’re in the area.

Early Help Ask Away SessionsIt’s easy to confuse “Early Help” with “Early Years” – we are running two sessions is aimed at letting Parents and Carers know just how important Early Help is.The purpose of Early Help is to prevent any issues from getting worse by offering support at the right time. Any professional working with your family, such as those based in schools, health services, and in voluntary sector organisations, can offer Early Help services as soon as they can see that advice, support and/or intervention may be needed.

Come along to this “Ask Away” interactive session to find out more and “Have Your Say!” 💚

Friday 16th November

12 – 2pm

Sandy Lane Children’s Centre

The evening session will be held as part of the ADHD support group – keep an eye on Facebook for details

To get involved with the group and learn more


Upcoming Events

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist
Check in and Chat with Helen Beard – Children’s Community Nursing Team
Check in and Chat with Rebecca Emery – Clinical Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist

13th September 2024

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist

The team will be joined this week by Claudette Winstanley who is a Speech and Language Therapist at Bridgewater healthcare. Claudette will be available to answer any questions you have about speech and language therapy…

Read more