June 9, 2024 5:09 pm

WarrPAC Annual survey results 2023/2024

The survey results are now in and you can read the full report below.  Following the link you will find a message from our Chair giving more background on the report.



Dear Parent and Carers




Firstly,  I would like to thank you all for taking the time to complete the Annual Survey WarrPAC produced earlier this year.  The survey is a huge undertaking, yet essential process in gaining the views of parent/carers of Children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEND).  The response in completing the survey was outstanding and layered with both positive and not so positive honesty.   It is important we celebrate what you think is working well, so we can ensure those services are continued, as well as tackling the services that are needing improvement.

With such a  fantastic response to the survey came the task of analysing all the information and putting it in to a professional report, so apologies for the delay in getting it out to you.

Please know we haven’t been sitting on this data, we have already fed back to all our professional partners across education, health and social care an executive Summary of the report and are already actively working with them to address issues highlighted.  Having said that there are no surprises in the report.  An improvement plan was put in  place to address improvements needed, highlighted by  the Area SEND inspection in January 2023, which we have been actively working on since.  The task in hand, to hold those professionals responsible for providing ‘fit for purpose’ services to our SEND families.

The work WarrPAC has been involved in over the past year to address some of the concerns from the SEND inspection have seen some small increments of improvement over the past year according to this latest data.  The Education, Health and Care Plan  process for example, still not perfect but due to your feedback, improvements in the EHCP team’s knowledge, experience and numbers, as well as the way they work have, you say, improved.   WarrPAC are also now involved in quality assuring EHC Plans,  to ensure the quality of information in those plans.

The report is a large, in depth document, therefore we have opened with a summary of main points.

It is essential you, our members, know what we have learned, what we hear, what we are doing, and how all this feedback from both parents, carers and professionals shape the work we do.

As your designated Forum, WarrPAC  will continue to work tirelessly on your behalf to improve the current situation with SEND, not just locally  but regionally and Nationally.  You are part of over 135,000 voices nationwide that can make a difference.  Of course your concerns are around  services that affect your family in Warrington, however, many of the areas highlighted in the survey as ‘not working well’  are national issues that need to be addressed by the Government who are ultimately responsible for providing the level of  funding required for Local Authorities and partners to do their job.  As a very important part of this network, combined with the other 150 forums in the country, your voice can make a difference.


Thank you for caring enough to be involved.


Jean Fitzpatrick


Warrington Parents and Carers




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13th September 2024

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist

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