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Monday 10th December 2018

WarrPAC/SENDIASS Drop In Clinic

sendiass warringtoncoffee cup

Come along and speak to Iain McDonald SENDIASS (parents partnership officer) who will be in WarrPAC’s office on Monday 10th December from 10am – 12pm at Sandy Lane Children’s Centre.

Some of the WarrPAC team will be around to help with advice and queries too. If it’s busy or you wish to have a one to one chat, we can make a nice brew while you wait.

SENDIASS service is designed to support and offer guidance in the following areas:

Choosing a school
Levels of support for children in the early years and for young people in post 16 education
The EHC needs and assessment
Annual reviews and meetings
Resolving disagreements
School entry, and changing from primary to secondary education
Preparing for adulthood
The Local Offer
Personal budgets

Event Date: Monday 10th December 2018

Upcoming Events

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist
Check in and Chat with Helen Beard – Children’s Community Nursing Team
Check in and Chat with Rebecca Emery – Clinical Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist

13th September 2024

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist

The team will be joined this week by Claudette Winstanley who is a Speech and Language Therapist at Bridgewater healthcare. Claudette will be available to answer any questions you have about speech and language therapy…

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