This event has already been
Monday 10th December 2018

Send Inspection Webinar

Have you had your say ? The clocks ticking away … grab a cuppa, your thoughts and log on today!

The SEND inspection starts Monday, but the webinar is already open. It is here for you to comment on your experiences, the good, the bad and the wobbly! Warrpac needs you to have your say the right way !

The Webinar is open already Click Here to start yours now.





Event Date: Monday 10th December 2018

Upcoming Events

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist
Check in and Chat with Helen Beard – Children’s Community Nursing Team
Check in and Chat with Rebecca Emery – Clinical Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist

13th September 2024

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist

The team will be joined this week by Claudette Winstanley who is a Speech and Language Therapist at Bridgewater healthcare. Claudette will be available to answer any questions you have about speech and language therapy…

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