Meet the team

Warrington Parents and Carers are a voluntary group of enthusiastic and experienced parents and carers who all have caring responsibilities for children and young people with special education needs and disabilities.

Joe Bloggs
Jean Fitzpatrick Chair

I have been involved in SEND both professionally and personally for over 40 years. I have two grown up Sons, one of whom has additional needs. I now have full care of my Grandson who has complex needs around ASD/PDA/ADHD. Professionally, I retired 12 years ago as head of Inclusion after 25 years teaching and managing teams of SEND. I joined WarrPAC after I retired after a conversation with the then Chair about my Grandson and how I really needed to keep on top of legislation to fully support him. After speaking to Gail and finding out about the work these special people were doing, it was a no brainer to volunteer, I felt I had too much knowledge and experience not to pass it on and with a late diagnosis of ADHD, I was never going to sit at home knitting! I am passionate about what I do, working with families to navigate what can be a very lonely, difficult world. I have an amazing team of volunteers around who are all as passionate, committed, fun loving, just all-round great people to work alongside. As Chair, l will endeavour to lead the team in challenging services are fit for purpose and in the right place, at the right time by bringing the voice of Warrington’s parent/carers to the strategic table alongside our offer to provide information, advice and guidance to all those parents and carers with lived experience of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Joe Bloggs
Gail Hall Vice Chair

I'm mum to Alex, my darling dazzling daughter, and Matthew who has severe epilepsy, learning difficulties, autism, and the biggest smile you could ever hope to see.
I have been involved in parent participation since 2008 and was one of the founders of WarrPAC.
In the early day of dealing with my son's condition, I felt very alone and bewildered by all that was going on. I did not know where to turn to for help, nor even what help existed. My hope is that by working with our professional partners that our families can access the help that they need, when they need it; that we can support each other to help our precious youngsters; that our experience can help to feed in to improve services for our families in the future and that working together we can get the best deal possible for our children and those who look after them.
I was gobsmacked in 2016 receive a British Empire Medal for services to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Joe Bloggs
Sharon Wilson Development Officer

I’m mum to two amazing daughters, Maisie and Poppy. My journey in the world of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities began in 2014 when Maisie was identified with a delay in her development. Maisie now has a diagnosis of Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities and Sleep Initiation difficulties.
I found WarrPAC in May of 2016 at a coffee/chat event where I learnt about the world – or as I called it ‘the secret garden world of Special Needs”– that I had NO idea about or how to navigate the system – I felt SO lost. Jean took me under her wing and with lots of tea and tissues I finally shared how I felt. This became the beginning of my voluntary journey for the next 6 months and turned into the Development Officer role that I undertook in September 2016.
I truly love what I do and feel super passionate to support / share knowledge to help other parent carers whilst they are on their own journey with their Special children. I work hard and will give my heart and soul to drive the services across Education, Health and Social Care to be the best they can be for children and young people in Warrington. I manage and coordinate all communication for Team WarrPAC to ensure that our voluntary team is kept informed and able to deliver the support and expectations for parent carers and families who have children and young people with SEND

Joe Bloggs
Rebecca Bichiou Parent Rep / Treasurer

Hi, I'm Rebecca (Beccy!) and have been involved with WarrPAC for the last 5 years. I am also the treasurer of the group. My son, Adam, has ASD and I also have a daughter Ayah. I am passionate about the work we do at WarrPAC, and seeing things change for our families.

Joe Bloggs
Laura Forster Parent Rep / Secretary

I’m Laura, I’m mum to four children Luke, Hannah, Pippa and Alfie. My youngest daughter Pippa had a difficult start with extensive health problems and underwent heart surgery at 5 weeks old. Pippa went on to begin mainstream school but it quickly became apparent that her difficulties were more complex and also effected her learning and cognitive ability.
Pip was subsequently diagnosed with cerebral visual impairment, social and communication problems and sensory processing difficulties. In fact we were offered endless different labels before a medical trial eventually led us to a rare genetic diagnosis called Kabuki syndrome and she was later diagnosed with ADD in addition to this. I found myself in a whole new world of paperwork and professionals who all had something to say about what my daughter could or couldn’t do. I felt very lost and out of my depth trying to make decisions about which school or provision she should attend.

Joe Bloggs
Andrea Machin Parent Representative

Hi, I’m Andrea. I’m married to Matt and we have a gorgeous daughter who has just turned 19 and has Complex Special Needs. Her main disabilities are Cerebral palsy, Epilepsy, Severe Visual Impairment and Global Development Delay. She goes to Woolston 6th Form College and prior to that went to Green Lane Special School where I have the privilege of being a Vice Chair of Governors.
I have been with Warrington Parents and Carers for 15 years and have seen many changes in that time. The one which stands out the most for me is the creation of the Warrington Play and Sensory Centre, which I have been involved in right from the beginning.
I currently represent parents on the Carers Partnership Board, the Post 19 Board, the Health Forum and Friends of Warrington Play and Sensory Centre.
For anyone looking to join us, or volunteer, I would say just try it! We are a really friendly bunch and I have made some great friends along the way.
But, in order to keep doing what we do…we need families to tell us, good and bad, about the services they receive and experiences they’ve had. It’s only by sharing information that we can help each other to know what’s out there and aim to help make Warrington a great place for our families to thrive.

Joe Bloggs
Lakshmi Saye Narayanan Parent Representative

Hi I am mum of nearly 10 year old Pradyun who has a rare genetic mutation that has caused his epilepsy, global delay in development, learning disability. He is the most gorgeous looking happy child and my whole world.

I came to know about WarrPAC when he was just 5 yrs old when we started having Pradyun’s diagnosis. We were new to Warrington, and I didn’t have any family or friends to help me with the journey. I needed someone who would understand and guide me in this journey.
I started by going to coffee morning and learning about WarrPAC and what they do, slowly got the confidence to become a Volunteer. WARRPAC has given me hope in my SEN journey. I can happily say I have more social life and friends through WARRPAC. I feel I always have someone at the end of the phone if I need any guidance or just a listening ear.
Come join us in one of our chat sessions to know what I mean.

Joe Bloggs
Laura Rydings Parent Representative

I am Laura, Mum of Joe who has multiple special needs & medical diagnosis’.
I first started to attend WarrPAC Events and Chat sessions as a Mum in desperate need, trying to understand the world of SEND over 8 years ago. WarrPAC provided me with such vital information over the years, signposting, and a great support, being with others who understand and ‘get it’ makes such a difference!In 2020 during COVID Pandemic, I wanted to give back to others, to help others, to be a listening ear and to support in anyway I can. I signed up to WarrPAC as a Parent Rep and have never looked back since! I am extremely passionate, wanting a better future for our children, young people, parents and carers who are already facing difficult challenges each & everyday.

Joe Bloggs
Lorraine Madden Parent Representative

I am a carer/stay at home mum with three boys aged 22,17 and 16. My middle son has a diagnosis of ASD, ADHD, Epilepsy, and Sensory Processing. I did a parental request for my son's EHCP to get the support that my son needs. I have also been through the stressful diagnosis process with my son to obtain his multiple diagnoses. I have lived experience of living with children with SEND and other difficulties and steering the various services for help and support.
I have attended a vast amount of training courses relating to ASD, PDA, ADHD and learning difficulties through various providers including Addvanced Solutions, CHAPS and Contact. I have undertaken three online courses during lockdown, a TA course, specific learning difficulties and mental health for children and young people. I have a BA in business management and IT. I have worked in accounts for over 35 years and am a fellow member of the Association of Accounting Technicians.
I also volunteer for Warrington Autism Neuro Diverse Support who are a peer support for adults with neurodevelopmental conditions who meet weekly. I chair a Epilepsy support group and am a member of the Independent Advisory Group for the Police representing hidden disabilities.
I have a passion for food and enjoy baking and cooking. I also love going on family walks with our crazy Border Collie Bella, she is certainly a character.
My middle son loves playing his guitar and now drums every day. He is a brilliant guitarist and is undertaking his Rock School exams. He has done gigs at the Parr Hall. We love browsing car boots and antique fairs/shops with my youngest as he has a passion for retro games, vinyl records, music centres and broken stereos, record players and games consoles. He loves taking them apart and fixing them.

Ask me about, the following conditions, autism, ADHD and Epilepsy.

Joe Bloggs
Julie Crane Parent Representative

I’m Julie I’m mum to three grown up children, ten grandchildren and four great grandchildren two of whom have special needs/disabilities. Pippa is 12 and has a rare genetic disorder called Kabuki Syndrome and Alfie is currently being assessed. Both Pippa and Alfie are full of fun and were very close and they have turned my world on its head in the best possible way.
I’ve been a WarrPAC Rep for about three years now, I began by coming along to coffee and chat sessions with my daughter who is also a WarrPAC representative then began helping out and enjoyed it so much I signed up as a volunteer. I’ve learned a lot and enjoyed getting to know more people with similar experiences.
I’m medically retired having worked for over 20 years in adult social care as a sheltered housing manager, working with elderly/vulnerable adults. Before this I worked for many years as a senior care assistant in residential and nursing homes for the elderly.
I love to spend time with my family especially my grandchildren and my lovely if slightly bonkers dog Hetty.

Upcoming Events

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist
Check in and Chat with Helen Beard – Children’s Community Nursing Team
Check in and Chat with Rebecca Emery – Clinical Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist

13th September 2024

Check in and Chat with Claudette Winstanley – Speech and Language Therapist

The team will be joined this week by Claudette Winstanley who is a Speech and Language Therapist at Bridgewater healthcare. Claudette will be available to answer any questions you have about speech and language therapy…

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